WeDTC training center terms and conditions
ATTENTION: This legal notice applies to the entire contents of this website (, and to any correspondence by e-mail between us and you. Please read these terms carefully before using the Website. Using the Website indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, do not use the Website. This notice is issued by WeDTC.
Terms and conditions for Acceptable Use at the WeDTC:
- All use of the online Application must be lawful and ethical
- The administration reserves the right to change these guidelines in response to system needs.
- Users may not use the online application for commercial purposes or political lobbying.
- Users may not vandalize hardware or software nor introduce viruses into the network.
- Users are to observe copyright procedures and laws.
- Users are to respect the rights, privileges and privacy of others.
- Users are responsible for taking reasonable precautions such as not sharing access to their accounts and not giving out personal information on the web.
- Users are aware that files stored on school-based computers are not private.
- At a minimum, violation of the Guidelines will result in denial of the privilege of access.
- Additional disciplinary action may be necessary including action by law enforcement agencies.
- You agree that the information you provide is accurate and your personal information.